The following is a summary of general Travel Protocols for international tourists to Tibet, which must be respected to ensure your tour to Tibet runs smoothly.
- You need a Tibet Travel Permit to board a plane or train to Tibet
- You need additional permits for travel outside Lhasa to restricted areas
- You need to allow up to 15 days to arrange the permits
- You must ensure the validity of your China visa for your entire tour to Tibet
- You need to book an organized tour and join a group tour to visit Tibet
- You need to pre-arrange transport for trips outside of Lhasa
- You have to travel on a Group Visa to enter Tibet from Nepal, obtainable from the Chinese Embassy.
- You must book a guide for your entire trip
However, please bear in mind the ‘impermanence of travel’ generally associated with travel to Tibet as the travel regulations to Tibet are constantly in flux and changeable.
Please refer here for a more detailed Travel Protocols information Tibet Travel Guide
or write us if you wish to establish the most up-to-date details regarding the travel rules and regulations.